Claims in new exploration - 1 out of 5 individuals who are impacted by crown have the issue of dry eyes

 Although the symptoms of corona include cough, cold, fever, but now blurred eyes and dry eyes are also becoming problems related to infection. Recently, scientists from the Chinese University of Hong Kong have said in a research that 20% of people suffering from corona have dry eyes.

Researchers examined 228 patients who had recovered from corona between 1 and 3 months. The health records of these patients were compared with those of 109 healthy people. It was found that 1 out of every 5 people infected with corona have symptoms of dry eyes disease. In addition, they may also cause blurring of the eyes, sensitivity to light, and swelling of the eyes.

It is believed that the cause of eye disease may be a link between the corona and the ACE2 enzyme. It is only with the help of ACE2 enzyme that the corona enters the human body. After this the virus infects the cells present in our eyes, which causes problems in the eyes.

How to Avoid Dry Eyes ?

Researchers have told that the symptoms of dry eyes caused by corona get better in a few weeks. If this is causing a lot of trouble to a patient, then it would be a good solution to contact the doctor. Apart from this, you can adopt these home remedies to get relief from dry eyes-

  • Avoid strong wind, smoke and direct exposure to the eyes.
  • Drink sufficient amount of water.
  • Use a humidifier to retain moisture in the air.
  • Do eye exercises after asking a doctor.
  • Researchers examined 228 patients who had recovered from corona between 1 and 3 months. The health records of these patients were compared with those of 109 healthy people. It was found that 1 out of every 5 people infected with corona have symptoms of dry eyes disease. In addition, they may also cause blurring of the eyes, sensitivity to light, and swelling of the eyes.


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